Important Updates:
The KDADS website has a new look but the same information you rely on. This is the NEW official KDADS website.
The KDADS website has a new look but the same information you rely on. This is the NEW official KDADS website.
The purpose of the Older Americans Act Title III-D Health Promotion Program is to support healthy lifestyles and promote health behaviors among older adults age 60 and older. Priority should be given to older adults living in medically underserved areas of the state and those who are of greatest social and economic need.
Health Promotion: Evidence-Based - Activities related to the prevention and mitigation of the effects of chronic disease (including osteoporosis, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease), alcohol and substance abuse reduction, smoking cessation, weight loss and control, stress management, falls prevention, physical activity, and improved nutrition. Activities must meet the Administration for Community Living's definition for an evidence-based program.
Programs are available through the eleven Area Agencies on Aging in Kansas. Call 855-200-ADRC (2372) to learn more!
Some programs available in Kansas include: