Important Updates:
The KDADS website has a new look but the same information you rely on. This is the NEW official KDADS website.
The KDADS website has a new look but the same information you rely on. This is the NEW official KDADS website.
Adair Acute Care
500 State Hospital Drive
Osawatomie, KS 66064-0500
To lead in providing compassionate, patient-centered care in a safe environment for positive outcomes.
Working together to facilitate recovery and promote self-sufficiency.
Adair Acute Care at Osawatomie State Hospital (AAC) provides services to adults diagnosed with psychiatric disorders regardless of ability to pay. AAC serves individuals from 44 counties in Kansas in collaboration with 15 Community Mental Health Centers. The centers refer individuals to the hospital through a screening process.
We admit the patient - We accept admissions as determined appropriate through collaboration between hospital triage nurses and the Community Mental Health Centers. Admissions are done expediently, without barriers and attending to the safety and dignity of the patient.
Once admitted we work with the patient to define the presenting problem and set an initial discharge date - We recognize the need to focus treatment efforts on stabilizing the presenting problem for which the patient was admitted. Even though many of the people we serve have numerous issues that need to be addressed, an acute care hospital is appropriately used when the focus of treatment is the problem for which the patient was admitted. When setting the most appropriate initial discharge date, we ensure that the treatment team, the patient, and the community mental health center are all aware of this important date and goal for discharge.
We identify discharge criteria that relates to the presenting problem - We recognize that in order to stay focused on the presenting problem, we must define discharge criteria as it relates to the problem to be addressed. Setting and community service providers are clear about when and how the discharge will and should occur.
We recognize our limitations as an acute care treatment hospital - The consumers we serve may have a wide range of issues to address. However, the majority of these issues are best addressed in the community where the consumer lives. Our purpose is to treat the presenting problem and discharge to the community where community based partners can further address the range of issues the consumer needs addressed.
Acute care hospital treatment must be consistent with and complement community based treatment - The treatment model we develop and refine must coordinate with the treatment the consumer received in the community before admission to the hospital and with the treatment that the consumer will receive on discharge.
We actively involve the patient and family members - Natural supports are important to living in the community. To the extent family wants to be involved and the patient wants family and other supports involved, we will involve these key people. This means communicating with and including people who have an interest in the patient's recovery.
To discuss the social detox criteria and admission process to OSH, please contact Triage at:913-755-7116.
AAC Patient Visitor Guidelines